Follows the 2023-24 Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders squad their auditions and traini
Follows the 2023-24 Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders squad their auditions and training camp and finally the ending of the Cowboys season predictably ended in the NFC Wild Card Round.
4 stars for getting me a lot to think about, for being touched by the beauty of their sisterhood, by all the goodness that women bring out and by their courage to make hard life decisions. It doesn’t mean that I approve of the underlying logic of cheerleading itself though. But this is so complicated and there is definitely a long way ahead, so…
不评价这些女孩想加入完全物化女性的拉拉队的梦想了,我也没资格judge别人的人生选择。但领导层的pua水平真的是next level的,these girls literally put sweat and blood and tear into this,管理层指望她们为爱发电她们还感激涕零。五年veteran,做了几年team leader的Kelcey决定retire的时候对两位女leaders不知道说了多少遍thank you for everything, like girl they should be thanking you好吗。当然她们完全没有说,因为加入DCC is an honor~~
感觉这部纪录片教会我不要在了解一件事之前贴标签。最初看到审美遴选标准导致的body shame,听到主理人说sisterhood,我认为达拉斯是强权的、过于强调delightfulness的、令人抑郁的有毒文化。可是看完之后,虽然我仍然反感这个系统,可是身处其中的人的心情是可以被共情的。自豪,集体感,sisterhood,存在于人们想象中的信念——这些无法被轻易当作谬谈。I don’t have the right to judge. 我同样身处一个系统(我通常认为这是一个贬义词,但现在我不确定,因为不知道系统之外是否存在自由。也许那只是我信念的投射,在被证实不存在之前聊以自慰的拐杖)
知道这个拉拉队存在低工资,剥削队员导致身心不健康,在二十岁的年纪就要去做关节手术的种种黑暗,但是,在一起奋斗的女孩子实在是太美好了,她们就像一束束光,努力地在一起照亮了整个AT&T Stadium。人都是需要sense of belonging的,而也许这也是尽管她们面对种种挑战和不公自然选择留下的原因吧,在这当中她们感受到自己的存在是多么的美好,她们的努力does means something。倒数第二集的新老队员的表演片段交替真的感动到了我,没有人能永远年轻,但永远有人正年轻着。
♪ Workin' 9 to 5 What a way to make a livin' ♪
♪ Barely getting by It's all takin' and no givin' ♪
♪ They just use your mind And you never get the credit ♪
♪ It's enough to drive you crazy if you let it ♪