It’s a new trimester for the suitemates – Kimberly, Bela, Whitney, and Leighton
It’s a new trimester for the suitemates – Kimberly, Bela, Whitney, and Leighton – which means the girls have to navigate new experiences and challenges. From creators Mindy Kaling and Justin Noble, season 2 returns November 17 with more college chaos, wild parties, messy relationships, and of course the new hot guys on campus.
《大学女生的性生活 第二季》下载观后评论:
我滴宝贝Leighton终于向其他室友出柜了!!!????shes gonna live her best life哈哈哈哈哈,不知道前女友会不会回来,预告片里是完全没有捏!??Bela最终找的写手居然不是任何报名的有点好笑,Whitney赶紧和那个嘴碎男友分手吧,四个人被小心眼frat boys针对了,不过脱衣舞筹款会真的好好笑哈哈哈哈哈哈哈