BELGRAVIA is the story of a secret. A secret that unravels behind the porticoed
BELGRAVIA is the story of a secret. A secret that unravels behind the porticoed doors of London’s grandest postcode. The story behind the secret will be revealed in weekly bite-sized instalments complete with twists and turns and cliff-hanger endings that will be delivered directly to your mobile, tablet or desktop via a brand new app. You can read it, or listen to it, or jump between the two.
Set in the 1840s when the upper echelons of society began to rub shoulders with the emerging industrial nouveau riche, Belgravia is peopled by a rich cast of characters. But the story begins on the eve of the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. At the Duchess of Richmond’s now legendary ball, one family’s life will change for ever . . .
感觉真的很像唐顿庄园,只是没有唐顿那么恢弘大气,情节完全没什么拖拉,放国内可能拍出40集来,剧情走向都是朝着最希望的方向发展的,也没有什么特别出人意料的抓马事情,只是觉得Lady Maria Grey和Charles的感情来得太简单,只是聊几次天就认定对方是一生挚爱?唐顿的Lady Mary和大表哥可是历经多次磨难和误会才在一起的。还有Maria这个演员我实在是不喜欢,之前看过她的《苦甜曼哈顿》,也是不喜欢。还有就是在各个配角的塑造上跟唐顿比还是差了很多,坏人就是从头坏到尾,各个人物脸谱化比较严重,如果能不这么赶,拍个三四季,内容再复杂些就更好了。