Kingdom of Bhutan, 2006. Modernization has finally arrived. Bhutan becomes the l
Kingdom of Bhutan, 2006. Modernization has finally arrived. Bhutan becomes the last country in the world to connect to the internet and television, and now the biggest change of all: democracy. To teach the people how to vote, the authorities organize a mock election, but the locals seem unconvinced. Travelling to rural Bhutan where religion is more popular than politics, the election supervisor discovers that a monk is planning a mysterious ceremony for the election day.
一部赶不上末班地铁也要去看的好片子,色彩质感很好,镜头语言拉满,寥寥几笔人物都被刻画的入木三分。一个农民家庭,一群试图教导选民的工作者,两个追逐利益的异邦人,一群淳朴的僧侣……从小女孩收到铅笔和橡皮的那一刻,心里莫名被触动了,最后扔枪更是效果拉满(美国人嘲讽拉满啊啊啊啊啊),夜色下的篝火难掩每个人脸上的笑容。音乐天衣无缝,景色也真的太美了,当作不丹旅游宣传片也不过分(不是)。导演真的有水平。印象最深的,除了短评里的一条,“我们真的需要文明吗”,还有就是女主人说,we were happy before that.从各种角度都真的太让人深思了,以及最后送木雕也未免太幽默了吧、、