Look I’m sure it was a great tale to tell when it happened in real life and you told it on Twitter but this is cinema! We’ve seen crazier and dopier shit! This is not a cinema story. But I like this director. Hope she finds better story!
5.0/10 they start fuckin' and it was gross哈哈哈哈/特别,有趣,但极不成熟且不细腻(换句话说,独立感太强了,但对此片不是很买账)/其实“特别”这一点上有挺多可以讲的,但懒得大篇幅描述了,简而言之就极潮(2020s tiktok/hyperpop文化那一挂)很“卡”(配乐直接就是micachu)
除了结局平淡戛然而止让人wtf其他都是燃爆100分,导演编剧应该学学uncut gem搞一个snappy且meaningfully ironic ending,摄影剪辑incorporating social media youth culture is golden, 音乐完全god tier爱了爱了 二刷再见