The intertwined lives and loves of three highly-ranked athletes striving for the
The intertwined lives and loves of three highly-ranked athletes striving for the national team; Chris bounces between the beds of male coach Terry and her female friend, competitor, and role model Tory.@
刚看开头,就迫不及待打了个四星,毕竟两个世界级的五项全能田径运动员一起训练,一起比赛,在领奖台上彼此凝视,眉目传情,这个设定我太可以了。刚认识就较量掰手腕,眼神坚定,汗水长流,气喘吁吁。还有比这更挑逗的姬片么。。。然而好景不长,剧情急转直下,homosexuality各种输给了heterosexuality... 虽然最后努力扳回来一点点,然而还是压倒性失败。“Carpenter's dream”“did you ever meet my sidekick?” 抬起健美的小腿,轻轻侧踢傻憨憨爱人,撩完就跑,这个细节非常有爱了~