◎简 介 在刑房、杀死比尔和罪恶之城的传统游戏中,获奖漫画作家Ed Brubaker与stuntwoman组合起来,呈现出一个性格鲜明的时尚女孩如何由坏变好。EVE是一个性感杀手,她杀人从不后悔,直到一次拙劣的袭击改变了一切。由于措手不及,EVE被刺伤了头部并误杀了一个小女孩。她的头脑中充满了无辜受害者的影子,杀手被悔恨所困扰。EVE无法再执行刺杀行动了。EVE唯一的生存机会就是赶在新杀手找到她之前追踪到那个无情的老大。 In the spirit of Grindhouse and available for the first time - the new action-packed digital series as a movie! A remorseless assassin suffers severe head trauma and begins to hallucinate, becoming haunted by her victims. She's driven to seek revenge on those who originally ordered the hits - her mob employers.