Jakub's life arrived at a dead-end. He leaves his job, and gets into conflict wi
Jakub's life arrived at a dead-end. He leaves his job, and gets into conflict with his father. The trouble just grows by his relation with a married woman. Breaking out, Jakub realizes the pleasures of the countryside in the old garden of his grandfather. He finds true love with an angel, and encounters various exciting moments of his new free life. Strange visitors arrive, and he wont get back to town anymore.
喜欢!一切回到了最纯真美好的样子,对现代性文明的一种远离,同样需要智慧。里面的好几段对话都很让人有contemplative的感觉,作为观众都已经有了融入到了自然环境中,和树木,花草,动物,share this place. 很多时候我们学知识,假如只是见识的增长和智性的愉悦,恐怕都没有领会到其中的真谛,这也是为什么觉得中东欧这些魔幻现实电影很有意义的原因,在知识的增长之外,另有一片栖居的空间,那便是不带目的地生活,自由自在的慢下来,静下来的生活。
一百多年前人们惊讶于《月球旅行记》带来超前的视觉冲击,想象力自此被融入电影的血液。继而在《花园》里,“花园”成为了一种想象的媒介,你可以在里面看到卢梭笔下的“瓦尔登湖”亦或是维特根斯坦的寂静美学,又或是陶醉在深根于地底下的梅子酒,又或者成为《失乐园》里的伊甸园,再不济成为一棵树扎根在斯洛伐克平原……最后的漂浮使我坚信电影这门艺术可以是唯心的,它无需解释任何原理,“Feeling before understanding”.