When captain Sindbad and his men land on the island Colossa they are confronted
When captain Sindbad and his men land on the island Colossa they are confronted with man-eating cyclops. They can escape with the help of the magician Sokurah and his magic lamp. The lamp which contains a helpful demon unfortunately gets lost. Back in Bagdad the magician performs impressive tricks. He wants to start an expedition back to Colossa to bringing the lamp back in his possession. But the kalif rejects the magicians requests. The malicious Sokurah breaks into the rooms of the princess at night and shrinks the princess to the size of an elf. The magician offers his abilities to heal the princess on next day. But one of the magic potions necessary components must be procured from the island Colossa first. So captain Sindbad sails again to the island Colossa and to the dangers expecting him there... Written by Matthias Luehr {mluehr@htwm.de}
从现在看来依旧能够感受到些许瑕疵的The 7th Voyage of Sinbad,其特效放在50年代却是前列且又使人瞠目结舌的;一方面展现了中东神话传说题材电影的巨大的商业开发价值,另一方面电影中展现的所有奇形异兽也是怪兽电影中的一大代表,其利用的逐帧摄影技术亦是展现了当时具有时代意义的壮观特效画面。