蛮神棍的。按这片的说法,越战征兵,年轻人不肯去,尼克松和里根才都怪到LSD头上了。精神创伤会让杏仁核过度活跃,加剧焦虑和逃避反应,迷幻药的作用刚好相反,所以能解决各式各样的精神问题,听着好像也有点道理。Decriminalize is not the same as legalize. It only means ordering the law enforcement authorities to make this their lowest priority as long as it's for personal use, no commerce involved. 最震惊的是知道了赫胥黎吃完仙人掌写出了《知觉之门》。
how can we criminalize nature? how can we claim illegal a certain plant? drugs are highly contextualized. these plants are rather considered as medicines or tools that help us expand consciousness, dissolve egos and connect to the bigger One. Ask for permission, and take with full respect.
“They’re not inherently good or inherently bad, they’re just tools”good drug bad drug 赋予它好坏意义的是人类 被人类加诸各种定义 是一如既往的傲慢了 药物的研究很好 但对于广泛的普及和使用还是挺存疑的 毕竟人类也经不起考验
你猜我信不信你的邪 - if you are dying from PTSD/depression/anxiety/OCD maybe try it with supervision, but hell please no if you are perfectly fine