The British soldier Harry Turner was 18 when he was deployed to Afghanistan. He
The British soldier Harry Turner was 18 when he was deployed to Afghanistan. He returned from the war a broken man. Struggling with PTSD, depression and suicidal thoughts, he travels deep into the Peruvian rainforest, where he meets the US scientist Samantha. Together, they take care of an orphaned ocelot, a small spotted wildcat.
The film consists partly of material that Harry and Samantha filmed themselves and partly of footage by the directors of Wildcat, who later joined the pair. Intimate moments between humans and animals are combined with exciting shots of the treacherous nocturnal jungle to form an emotionally tortuous portrait of a person constantly battling his demons. It is out of this struggle that Harry forges a bond with the young wild animal.
His attempt to save the ocelot is above all an attempt to save himself. And making the animal self-reliant proves in fact to be an exercise in letting go. As he guides the animal in the jungle, Harry must also find his way back to society and to his family.
很意外,并非常见的自然动物纪录片,更像是破碎救赎版《This is Us》,看得我不可遏制地心碎,从头哭到尾。“当我来到世界上最美丽的地方,却还是感受不到一丁点的快乐”,过去积淀下来的伤害早已改变了我们自己,那些用身体上的疼痛来释放内心苦楚的想法变成锁链越缠越紧。之前和爱人讨论“是否应该体验濒临死亡的感受再来决定要不要结束生命”,当死亡成为一个人唯一的出口,剥夺这个希望会不会过于残忍?两个都充满爱与悲伤的个体如何在治愈他人和不内耗自己之间平衡?我好讨厌经历带着爱去做不得已的事这种体验。Samantha、Harry、Keanu都有自己的答案,说到底大家都是带着各自的伤口和天真去过完这一生的。