This film follows composer and performer Max Richter as he consolidates an ambit
This film follows composer and performer Max Richter as he consolidates an ambitious performance of his critically acclaimed eight-hour opus, Sleep.
The film plunges deeply into the artist’s life and process, transcending the work to explore his legacy. Personal reflections from Max Richter, and visual archive from his long-term creative partner, the BAFTA winning filmmaker, Yulia Mahr - the co-architect of SLEEP – help build this intimate portrait – along with contributions that illuminate both the science and story behind the work.
從睡眠科學、聲學樂器/合成器、藝術/商業、創作/生活到關係/家庭,從聲音的低頻與高頻,到人們出生與未生的世界⋯這些思緒卻不過像浪潮打上岸才顯現的浮沫。像夢遊一樣,既抽離又全副心神被浸沒地專注。像樂手進入automatism或且心流的入神又神遊;像 Max Richter 自己說作曲處在已經寫就和即將寫成的樂句之間,不得不「只創作當下」;像忽然在過於真空感的電影世界,連窸窣聲也能成為某種ASMR在周遭流動⋯⋯讓「看電影」本身轉換成《Soul》所勸導的「感受」。一起醒著原來跟一起入睡一樣不可思議——每場電影都像是從生活(和手機)抽離的「不插電」。我多喜歡一起,在電影院。踽踽獨行但可以從不孤單——殊異與普遍的一體兩面。我渴望和你在另一端相會,即便只在那一端,能夠一起,就是令人落淚的奇蹟⋯⋯。