Based on the controversial novel by acclaimed author Rudolfo Anaya, Bless Me, UlBased on the controversial novel by acclaimed author Rudolfo Anaya, Bless Me, Ultima is a turbulent coming-of-age story about Antonio Marez (Ganalon), a young boy growing up in New Mexico during World War II. When a mysterious curandera named Ultima comes to live with his family, she teaches him about the power of the spiritual world. As their relationship grows, Antonio begins to question the strict Catholic doctrine that he has been taught by his parents. Antonio must grapple with questions about his own destiny, and ultimately how to reconcile Ultima’s powers with those of the God of his church. 源于Rudolfo Anaya的同名小说。电影讲述了二战时New Mexico州一个名叫Antonio的男孩成长中的经历。故事开始于Ultima的到来。Ultima是一个年迈的,善良又神秘的curandera,她来到Antonio家中生活。Ultima对草药非常了解,在她与Antonio相处的日子里,她不仅传授给Antonio草药的学问,还传授他生命和灵界的智慧。在Antonio的成长过程中,他经历了近在咫尺的死亡,开始质疑所受的严格的天主教教育,并且对于善行与恶行的存在,上帝对于每个人的宽恕与惩罚,上帝的准则和公平性,提出疑问。Ultima在Antonio的生命里扮演了一个神奇的角色,她似乎无所不知,又似乎是Antonio的保护者,但是她的力量又似乎不容于主流的教会的力量,在受到作为教徒的人们尊敬的同时,也收到人们的疏远。在目睹了许多起伏的命运后,Antonio也开始了寻找自己的命运的旅途。