Quasimodo, the hunchback bellringer of Notre Dame's cathedral meets a beautiful
Quasimodo, the hunchback bellringer of Notre Dame's cathedral meets a beautiful gypsy dancer, Esmeralda, and falls in love with her. So does Quasimodo's guardian, the archdeacon of the cathedral, and a poor street poet. But Esmeralda's in love with a handsome soldier. But when a mob mistakes her for a witch, it's up to Quasimodo to rescue her and claim sanctuary for her in the cathedral.
“she gave me water” “why” 全片印象最深刻的两段台词 看着前者 能够回忆出卡西莫多在得到吉普赛女郎善意之后的欣喜激动、难以置信,就像一个小孩得到了自己喜爱的人赠送的一颗糖,小心翼翼但又抑制不住心里的欢欣喜悦,一遍遍的撞钟,仿佛在向世人宣告自己难以掩饰的情绪;看着后者,不仅浮现出一个懵懂孩童不受世俗侵染的氤氲双眼,他不懂世间险恶,不懂人心无常,不懂自己一退再退,但心里面的一方净土为何仍无法逃脱被肆意侵虐的悲惨命运。