1. i'm not ready for them to have sex but it's good that it contains sex education stuff (in a mild way) 2. the amount of charlie i can relate to scared me af anorexia anxiety and things 3. it's just too...sweet to the extent that it's plain; nick's too considerate that his characterization is two-dimensional 4. damn how they treated isaac
第三季承接前两季,在高中毕业舞会之后,主要围绕 Charlie、Nick 及其朋友们展开。Nick 和 Charlie 的恋情虽甜蜜但 Charlie 的心理健康出现问题,他患有厌食症并决定接受治疗。同时,其他角色也面临着各自的挑战,如 Elle 面临性别焦虑和跨性别恐惧症,Tara 有学业焦虑,还有角色在性探索方面遇到问题。
甜掉牙的fluff(好的那种),喜欢folklore的女同宝宝们终于回归,darcy这一季出柜为enby lesbian啦!!!!!!!!阿加莎同时更新的这天说joe locke扮演的charlie喜欢漫威没品位真的笑死我了他可是喜欢黑寡妇电影的人he actually has taste非常好的representation但我边看边恨网飞取消了everything now砍了我们女同的ed gay teen呢????Netflix you are sexist, racist and lesbophobic