In season 7, alliances are turned on their heads. Old wounds are weaponized. Loy
In season 7, alliances are turned on their heads. Old wounds are weaponized. Loyalties are tested. Betrayal takes on epic proportions. Enemies become wary friends. And Bobby Axelrod returns, as the stakes grow from Wall Street to the world.
还有什么是比圆满回归更好的收场?!会想念这一切,谢谢Axe & Wags还有他们的朋友们带来这一路的旅程。"-I do miss you, though. -How could you not?" "-You kept tabs. -You're my Wagsy. Of course I kept tabs. -To keeping tabs on those you love and finding a way to see each other in person one last time before the fall."
We Move On As always
The Succeed with Goodness with joy
The Failure with Regrets with Pain.
What is that makes you smile ,
When you think about where you want to go.
Grit, effort and luck smiling Upon
We made it here at Top, Not for you to fall.
我想我会永远想念你,Bobby Axelord,以及你带给我的震撼、喜悦、无奈与悲伤。你的故事在这个地球结束了,也带走了我的一部分,那我就在这里静静地祝福你罢,希望在亿万的平行世界,会继续与Taylor、Chuck、Wendy等人继续你们的传奇。 尽管第三季后就有失水准,anyway,nice to meet all you guys.
You know, there's something you'll have to learn going after the important ones: really fucking hurts to lose. Chips away pieces of you each time. Pieces you don't get back. And it leaves you with no choice but to… go forward incomplete.
泪目季。欲海宦海金山银海,贪嗔痴慢疑,在相爱中迷惘痛苦,在撕逼中和解笑对。到最后,“儿子,走路体态要注意挺起胸膛”,“this is it,合作愉快,以后给老子别违法乱纪”, 吃一顿伤害过的人主厨的菜肴,和前夫/前妻一起让孩子们有更多美好的家庭生活回忆,两个人各自带着一个小目标,一位重拾指挥棒,一位和几百年不计其数的人一样,从头再来,持续创业,让仇恨清醒了头脑而不是蒙蔽双眼,让愤怒坚定了脚步而不是挥舞砍刀。
主演:Ja'Siah Young,迈克尔·B·乔丹,贾兹敏·西蒙,罗姆·弗林,阿丽莎·温赖特,Gavin Munn,Sammi Haney,阿丽·安,特雷西·邦纳,乔希·文图拉,Skyler Elyse Philpot,格里芬·罗伯特·福克纳,Michael Anthony,Emily Dunlop,Scott Daniel Johnson