During an outbreak of the bubonic plague in the magnificent Seville of 1587, Mat
During an outbreak of the bubonic plague in the magnificent Seville of 1587, Mateo, a former soldier, returns, honouring his word to find and extract a dead friend’s son from the city. Previously, Mateo had been forced to flee the city to save his life, having been sentenced to death by the Inquisition for printing forbidden books. Before he can complete his task, Mateo is arrested by the Inquisitor’s bailiffs, who promise to pardon his life in exchange for solving a series of crimes of diabolic overtones being committed in Seville. Premiere of the first two episodes of the new TV series directed by Alberto Rodríguez.
这是一部这样剧情直白的电影,却有着对宗教深刻的认识与思考。我个人认为,宗教和信仰是不过是导火索,人性中的的自私、欲望、憎恶、背叛、复仇才是影片想表达的。影片中并没有正义的一方与邪恶的一方,最后的结局,是主角修士、村庄女巫、十字军骑士他们由于自己的欲望与自私所造成的。很难说谁对谁错。不过我觉得,影片中有句话恰好可以给他们三个做个总结:There is no place in heaven for those who kill(天堂不收留杀戮者。)