Created by Daniel Bogado and 72 Films (Inside North Korea’s Dynasty), and execut
Created by Daniel Bogado and 72 Films (Inside North Korea’s Dynasty), and executive produced by Dan Lindsay and T.J. Martin (Undefeated, LA 92), Daniel Bogado’s 9⁄11: One Day in America was made to mark 20 years since the attacks of 9⁄11. Produced in official collaboration with the 9⁄11 Memorial Museum, the series uses archival footage - some of which has never been seen before - and new, original interviews with eyewitnesses who have now had almost two decades to reflect on the events they lived through. Accumulatively, 9⁄11: One Day in America offers a powerful, immersive, and emotionally charged account of that fateful day.
“如果不欣赏人性的光辉,我就会变得很悲伤”桑贝。 9/11纪念馆庭院内巨型瀑布水池被维护的很无瑕,op漆黑背景纷扬的白纸,带着对比鲜明的哀伤。相片上微笑的平凡的人们,lost and not found 2977,更多的人死于心碎。生还者18人,无一不怀着虔诚信念与对家人的爱,在黑烟滚滚的炼狱残骸中绝不放弃,各凭本事逃过一劫,相互守望亲如兄弟,更重视与家人共度的时光。英勇的救援者们亲述现场,重获生的价值,留下遗产。第三架撞上五角大楼,最后一架客机未能得逞,反抗乘客的母亲说很幸运有过这么个孩子,是他自己的良善,I can’t take any credit of that |2001/9/11 8:54