From the weird relationship humans have with dogs to how dating a model is like
From the weird relationship humans have with dogs to how dating a model is like owning a dune buggy, Neal Brennan muses on his life in this stand-up special.
一個Liberal的自我剖析,自我厭棄過的人會共鳴結尾獨白 “I just grind and attack myself relentlessly like it’s my job. I would love to stop. I’d like to believe that my ways of being, like my thoughts, my habits, my emotions, my beliefs… I’d like to believe that they are not defects. I’d like to believe that the alchemy of a personality, my spirit, it’s got to be enough.”
挺特别的,一直在想,他怎么可能一边说这些jokes,一边not let them get under his skin。因为都太personal了。Stand up comedians在这个年代可以获得不亚于影视巨星的受欢迎度,但他们驾驭自己生活的心路历程并不像那些名利和笑料一样丝滑。甚至,真正能打到观众心底哐哐响的段子,是需要极敏感的神经才能捕捉的。Blocks的设置的确有些“made up”,反复提“sth wrong with me”也是。但这不重要。I see a real human
3.5 the guy’s too smart & self aware for his own good. Loved to see some ingenuity in stand up. There were a few lol moments which I appreciated. Fav joke prob the ‘wear sun glasses around the back of the head’ and ‘men reading h0stage note’
我知道他为什么每场都絮絮叨叨他和他爸的那点事,因为太剧烈的难过,只能用一生的絮絮叨叨慢慢去排解。“I won’t show myself any kindness. I won’t give myself any grace. I just grind and attack myself relentlessly, like it’s my job. I would love to stop.”
有很多蛮好笑的jokes,有很多有点太男了的jokes。但他长得太像我认识的丧丧中年人,没办法不跟他共情。To an extent I wanna be like him, unmarried, no kids, looking incredibly young, still resentful and wounded by childhood traumas at the age of 48.
文本没有3 Mics好笑,但这是我自己的原因,因为很多地方没有听懂。但是看出来Neal 在表演方面,包括表情动作,都有很大的变化,变得更“喜剧”,但其实3Mics那时的讲法我也很喜欢。最后的的剖白,讲述自己self help 那段又是看得我哇哇大哭,Neal 不是在抱怨这一切,在我看来他接受了这部分痛苦的存在,因此他的自救和坦白不是苦涩,而是感动。我年度最爱的comedian。
不想从分裂的政见中做选择 不否认也不想去激进地反对自己的特权 不想继续一次次尝试和其他人是否能白头偕老 不想把另外的生命带到世界上做很可能失败的情感实验 不想继续hate myself 但也不想再fix myself了. 我已有的一切 对我而言 It’s gotta be enough. Let that be enough.