导演:Indra Gunawan
主演:Harris Illano Vriz
分类:影视解说 印尼 2023
简介:Three nights of the most dangerous hell, every year plagues the village of Winongo. The whole villag...详情 >
导演:Sidharta Tata
主演:Ali Fikry,Bima Sen
分类:影视解说 印尼 2023
简介:In a village there is a girl who says goodbye to the mosque to pray maghrib to her father....详情 >
导演:Nick Kozakis
分类:影视解说 澳大利亚 2023
简介:It follows Lara as she seeks treatment from a congregation of zealots, where an exorcist will try to...详情 >
导演:霍华德·J·福特,Jonathan Ford
主演:Elizabeth Akingbad
分类:影视解说 英国 2010
简介:非洲大地丧尸肆虐,联合国军队也束手无策只能迅速撤离,此时美军中校墨菲因为飞机失事而流落此地,面对成群的饥饿丧尸墨菲只能在这广袤无垠的非洲大地中展开最后的求生逃亡……...详情 >