During one fatal afternoon in an empty elementary school the two mothers of Arma
During one fatal afternoon in an empty elementary school the two mothers of Armand (6) and Jon (6) get into a desperate fight to be believed when one son is accused of crossing boundaries against the other. All means are used, and soon a blend of madness, desire and obsession arises. Where the truth lies is impossible to know, and soon everything evolves less and less around the children, who we never meet, and more about the adults.
影影绰绰的幼童性霸凌、造成行为偏差的环境因素、可疑的公权力侵入私领域,这些构成叙事表面的社会现实成分,都不过是导演的虚晃一枪,伦理审判的外衣之下,“Is she (acting) on purpose?”的一问,才是炫技式地以祖传“象征主义影像”在下半部甩出半打华彩段落的着力所在。异性恋情感(婚姻)的张力因出于“保守”的社会缔约,于今似乎不得不收敛起它的教益,两性向着它的永恒缺失的维度伸张,让位于一种人造的社会性“公平”。而遑论亲密关系中的施/受逆予和相互盘剥,和性别政治的正确与否,并没什么本质关联。在这个意义上,导演的讨论和呈现都是极其古典的,也因而显出片尾的抖机灵(圆一个LGBT角度的解读),实属没有必要(减半星)。Anyway,伯格曼/乌曼的基因强大不虚,年轻小天才值得持续关注。